Holiday Gifts to Keep Your Home High-Vibe


Want to get noticed? Throw a party! A traditional feng shui remedy to uplift your home’s energy and get you noticed in the world is to have a party. The music, food, laughter, dancing, and candles or firelight all enhance the Fire Element of your home, bringing extra luck to your visibility, fame, and reputation in the world. One of the best ways to make sure that lucky energy goes out into the world and expands is to give everyone a gift to take home. Here are some of my favorite feng shui gifts that will keep the good luck flowing and elevate any environment for the New Year. To Raise Your Vibration The magic of crystals is they can hold an intention and resonate that frequency you’re your space. You can use clear quartz near the homes’ main entrance to clear the energy of anyone who comes into a space, so they don’t leave any unwanted emotional residue behind in the home. Consider the benefits of citrine, the money crystal, for someone who wants to attract wealth, or try rose quartz for healing the heart and finding love. Be sure to clear the stones first by placing them outside […]

Want to get noticed? Throw a party! A traditional feng shui remedy to uplift your home’s energy and get you noticed in the world is to have a party. The music, food, laughter, dancing, and candles or firelight all enhance the Fire Element of your home, bringing extra luck to your visibility, fame, and reputation in the world. One of the best ways to make sure that lucky energy goes out into the world and expands is to give everyone a gift to take home.

Here are some of my favorite feng shui gifts that will keep the good luck flowing and elevate any environment for the New Year.

To Raise Your Vibration
The magic of crystals is they can hold an intention and resonate that frequency you’re your space. You can use clear quartz near the homes’ main entrance to clear the energy of anyone who comes into a space, so they don’t leave any unwanted emotional residue behind in the home. Consider the benefits of citrine, the money crystal, for someone who wants to attract wealth, or try rose quartz for healing the heart and finding love.
Be sure to clear the stones first by placing them outside or on a sunny shelf in the moonlight and sunlight for a day. Check out the bible of crystals and minerals, Love is in the Earth, by Melody. It’s a classic for understanding the properties of each stone and would make a great gift to accompany the crystal you choose.

Welcome Good Luck in the New Year
In feng shui, the front door is the most crucial focal point for a home. Its’ purpose is to attract the chi, or good luck energy from nature, into your home—and where your eye goes, the chi flows. A holiday wreath, or swag, is welcoming on the door and leads your eye toward the entrance—exactly where we want the focus. Consider ordering from
Lynch Creek is a family-run business in Washington State that doesn’t cut down trees and employs a sustainable practice of trimming branches for their boughs to help protect local forests with respect to their fragile ecosystems.

For the New Homeowner
Windchimes are a traditional feng shui enhancement that direct, stop or call beneficial energy toward your home. People often hang them at their front entrance. However, this is an improper use of the chimes. You see, metal wind chimes resonate a vibration field that can create a block right where you least want it—at your entrance.
It’s best to hang wind chimes in a tree in the front yard at least 25 feet away from the front door. This way, the sound will attract the chi into the yard, and that beautiful wreath on your door (or potted plants on your stoop) will tell it right where to go!
Look for metal chimes that have a clear resonance and use recycled materials like the ones at Woodstock Chimes.

For the Energy Sensitive
Did you know that certain smells activate the centers of the brain that make us feel happy? Scents in the form of essential oils can do the same in a home. They can cleanse a space after an illness or string of bad luck, keep a space clear of negativity, and tune the frequency of a home to a higher channel—which can enrich and improve all areas of your life.
The traditional scent for a high-vibe home and for attracting wealth is the essence of orange. You can use it on its own in a diffuser or mix it with other citrus scents like blood orange or lemongrass to energize and freshen a space. Try diffusing lavender in a bedroom to create a serene atmosphere and help you fall into a peaceful sleep.
My favorite essential oils are from Floracoepia. They are simply divine and ethically sourced from the purest botanicals. I get excited just browsing their website, and I think you will too. Check out their beautiful diffusers to accompany the oil of your choice. What a lovely gift!

For the Beauty Queen or King:
I confess that I’m a product junkie. I’ll search high and low to find bath and body products that are non-toxic, eco-friendly, and effective. Avoiding phytoestrogens and toxic ingredients is at the top of every nature-lovers skincare list.
Pharmacopia is a woman-owned modern apothecary, and if you haven’t explored their products, you’re in for a real treat. Another inexpensive and high-quality gift for someone who deserves a little extra pampering. You can explore all their sustainably sourced and packaged products at

Be Clear for the New Year:
Smudging or sageing is a time-honored way to clear a space of unwanted energies and prepare it for new intentions. What better way to clear the slate of the past year in preparation for the new?
Choose a Palo Santo stick or a sage bundle and begin at your front door. Light the smudge and move clockwise through your home. Envision the smoke taking any stale and stagnant energy up and away along with it. You can recite a prayer or chant while you smudge your home. End back at the front entrance and open the door to whoosh the old energy away.
I adore Black & Jane for their inexpensive and exquisite sage and palo santo bundles.
They are woman-owned, woman-made, sustainable, ethically sourced botanicals for everyday use. Check out their crystals too! You can take 10% off your first order with the code WOMAN10

For the Energetically Astute
Feng Shui believes that your home is a map of your consciousness mirroring your beliefs about life. Becoming intentional about your environment and how it affects you is a direct way to address any issue in your life. At its core, feng shui is about harnessing the chi, or life force energy, found in nature and using it to raise the frequency of your home to improve all areas of your life.
Have you ever walked into a space and felt a sense of, ahhhhh…. something unnamed but viscerally felt. The more time you spent, the more content, relaxed and inspired you felt.
You can recreate that same sense with a subscription to Focused Life Force Energy for their home. It’s a wonderful and unexpected gift to give someone sensitive to their surroundings. FLFE (for short) is a technology that activates a high-consciousness field in the home or business. It recreates the feeling and benefits of high-vibrational and sacred places.
I’ve had it on my home for the past two years, and it’s been my secret weapon against succumbing to anxiety and negativity. I feel the positive and uplifting effects, as do visitors who comment that “my home feels like a sanctuary.”
You can learn more about the numerous benefits of FLFE and even experiment with a free 15-day trial or buy a year’s subscription as a gift for a few hundred dollars. Totally worth it!

Feng Shui Your Life for the New Year
What better way to begin a new year than to gift yourself a Virtual Interior Alchemy Feng Shui Consultation? I’ll help you focus on getting clear with what needs to be left behind and what you want to attract into your life moving forward? And then, we’ll make adjustments in your home that will act as powerful catalysts of transformation to jump-start your year. What could be better?
I offer different levels of consults depending on your needs and other feng shui resources to get you started. Mention this article for a free copy of my digital/video guide, Soulful Home, and learn how to easily apply the feng shui energy map in your space so you can immediately reap the benefits of feng shui. Book or gift your consult here:

Laura Vida, the founder of Interior Alchemy, is a Feng Shui Expert and Spiritual Psychologist backed by three decades of experience. She’s insatiably curious about how environments affect us and offers private and group consultations, workshops, and coaching to bring beauty and harmony into your life—both inside and out. You can find out more at and download your free copy of the feng shui energy map here:

Let’s keep in touch!

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